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  • Writer's pictureDavid Colello

The Eco-Activism of Small Presses: How Independent Publishers are Making a Difference

Listen up friends,

The book industry has been playing it safe for too long, turning a blind eye to the damage it's causing to our planet. But, there's a group of publishers who are refusing to be complacent. Small presses, and even independent publishers, we're the ones who are standing up and fighting for sustainability in the face of climate change. And we're leading the charge in the world of climate fiction.

Climate fiction, also known as eecofiction, is a genre that deals with the impacts of climate change and environmental issues. It's a rapidly growing genre and small independent publishers are at the forefront of publishing a range of book products for all ages from picture books to YA novels and adult fiction. We not only promote environmental awareness but also try to provide a diverse range of stories that reflect the impacts of climate change on different communities and age groups.

We small presses aren't afraid to take a risk and embrace digital publishing. By doing so, we not only reduce our carbon footprint, but also make our books available to a wider audience.

And we're not stopping there! Many independent publishers are now using environmentally friendly materials in the production of their books, such as recycled paper, soy-based inks, and other eco-friendly materials. This not only reduces the environmental impact of their publishing, but it also sends a powerful message to the industry as a whole.

Small presses are not just talking the talk, we're walking the walk. We're using our platform to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote eco-activism. We're including eco-literature in our catalogs, and we're using our social media channels to promote environmental causes and organizations.

So go on, support a small publisher and spread the word on fighting climate change together!

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